Symbols of a Dream

Jo-hanna Bauchle, an artist local to Indianapolis, is a henna tattoo and contemporary visual artist who produces work under the name JoHenna Design. A lifelong fascination with henna tattoos and designs led her to become a full time artist in early 2019. 

Starburst of India. Acrylic on canvas. 49” x 36”

Starburst of India. Acrylic on canvas. 49” x 36”

Henna is a temporary ink that stains the skin it is drawn on, traditionally used in South Asian and Middle Eastern cultures. After getting a henna tattoo at an art fair when she was young, Bauchle was captivated by the art form. She learned the techniques of application and spent years perfecting temporary tattoo designs on the skin, which she now offers out of her studio and at events. 

More recently, she has translated the visual style, which utilizes repeating patterns that grow out of a central point, like a mandala, onto canvas and wood. The outlined shape of a flower or circle can be seen from a distance, but it is up close that the intricate details making up the larger images become visible.

Henna typically has a brown tint, while jagua colors the skin blue. Her art pieces, though, utilize a range of colors, from natural hues to bright, rainbow like patterns, reimagining the traditional patterns into playful contexts, like the outline of a U.S. state.

Blue Indiana. Poplar Wood & Acrylic. 29” x 18”, Approx.

Blue Indiana. Poplar Wood & Acrylic. 29” x 18”, Approx.

The meditative process of henna tattooing and painting was a natural link for Bauchle to intentional self-awareness and community orientation. Bauchle utilizes her art and practice to connect with others in her shared studio and meditation space at the OM Home. In the future, she hopes to host more community-based art fairs, like the Art & Craft Party held this September.

Stained. Poplar wood & Acrylic. 15” diameter.

Stained. Poplar wood & Acrylic. 15” diameter.

Pieces from the Symbols of a Dream exhibition are available for online purchase here!

Macy Lethco