"In the Air" by Chad Caroland

tinker street Chad Caroland's latest place-based tune, In the Air celebrates the history, present, and exciting future of Tinker Street (E. 16th Street).

Lyrics: There’s a sense in the air, a sense of what was here. The past accepts its place, as the present keeps on racing. From the old fairgrounds, to the new street sounds From T.C.’s house, to the high school where things are going down.

Sidewalks still in place, and they get used everyday. Now the streets are paved, but the trees still cast their shade. Though time has come and gone, and continues to march on, It seems that Tinker Street, marches to the same beat.

There’s a sense in the air, a sense of what was here. The past accepts its place, as the present keeps on racing. Though time has come and gone, and continues to march on, It seems that Tinker Street, marches to the same beat.